Aimee Cabo, host of The Cure Radio Show, Award Winning Author and Transformational Speaker
Aimee Cabo, host of The Cure Radio Show, Award Winning Author and Transformational Speaker
Aimee Cabo’s life is a testament to the power of honesty, love, and belief. At age 15, Aimee was part of what the Miami media dubbed “The Case from Hell”—a sexual abuse case that pitted her parents against Aimee and her sister. To this day, Aimee credits her faith in God and the love of her support network for helping her through surviving child abuse.
No story will reaffirm your faith in God and love the way Aimee’s will.
Her family secrets burst in the spotlight when Aimee and her sister went to the authorities. In this riveting memoir, Aimee Cabo shares the inside story of a young girl’s courage to stand up to her abusers.
Love is the Answer, God is the Cure follows a woman who triumphed against all the odds, persevered to find true love and form a family that could withstand anything.
The Cure Radio ™ live talk radio show and live-streamed podcast is hosted by Aimee Cabo and offers a platform of hope to anyone who has experienced domestic violence, abuse, mental illness, any trauma or is experiencing problems now in their lives. Guests of The Cure are knowledgeable on a variety of topics including mental illness, healing after abuse, and moving forward. This podcast is a place to find comfort, knowledge, strategies, answers, hope, and love while healing the wounds and ‘affirming’ that you are not alone. Join Aimee and her professional guests on The Cure with Aimee Cabo podcast every Saturday at 1 PM EST as it is recorded during the live radio show.
Download this FREE APP from the iTunes App store to hear The Cure Radio ™ Shows live, listen to Aimee’s podcasts and keep up with all the news and events. (iPhone-iPad)
In her debut memoir, “God is the Answer, Love is the Cure” Nikolov tells her story with honesty and vulnerability. What in the beginning reads as a tragedy transforms into a story about falling in love—with the right man and with life itself—showing the reader that no tragedy is too great to overcome and how hope and faith can guide us through even the darkest of times.
The author has written with honesty and passion, and above all else, has given readers hope if they or someone they know is experiencing this type of situation. Her story educates readers about abuse and family neglect and is truly inspirational.
In her book Love is the Answer, God is the Cure, Aimee Cabo Nikolov provides a virtual case study for just such a scenario. For those readers who may be seeking an inspirational read which explores the power of love and faith… this could very well be the book for you!
Love is the Answer, God is the Cure by Aimee Cabo Nikolov is an affecting memoir of one woman’s journey to find her place in a cruel world. Any reader interested in memoirs will find her story deeply impacting while victims who have battled the effects of child sexual abuse will find the book more than inspirational. I rate it 4 out of 4 stars.
The Cure with Aimee Cabo” is an uplifting podcast that is full of hope and inspiration. Amy and her guests share stories of overcoming adversity, resilience, faith, and spirituality that will keep you coming back for connection, encouragement, and positivity.