God is the Cure

To Be As a Child

#MercifulPouringGrace For most of us, difficult to envision filling the shoes of a saint We fumble and fall often seems like a far fetch but that is part of the cross Then remember being a child, complete trust in our parents as in God Troubles did not faze us, just another happening in a different […]

Friday’s 3/31/23 Reading 1 Jer 20:10-13

I hear the whisperings of many: “Terror on every side! Denounce! let us denounce him!” All those who were my friends are on the watch for any misstep of mine. “Perhaps he will be trapped; then we can prevail, and take our vengeance on him.” But the LORD is with me, like a mighty champion: […]

God’s Gifts

#MercifulPouringGrace Of the greatest of God’s gifts is His grace which is enough and sustains us Said “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” It is undeserved favor that cannot be earned but received by His compassion His grace provides strength, virtue, the ability to resist sin, and […]

Communication is key

#MercifulPouringGrace Talk to our kids every given opportunity about everything we know Especially the hidden evils of this world that represent as the latest fad Speak of the dangers of social media, and video games who bad actors intercede Make them aware of the opportunistic predictors and how to avoid them That our children never […]

Considering Others

#MercifulPouringGrace By thinking of others we don’t forget to be kind, more likely to do what’s right If we consider others so will God, as He forgives us when we do so also It is about doing onto others as we would like have done onto us Service of another matters more than taking care […]

Pray More Than Ever

#MercifulPouringGrace God is slow to anger but it doesn’t mean He never does With a world turned upside down He steps in as seen In just about every church people pray before and after mass Never seen so many observations of the adoration available 24/7 There is a March Jesus movement among our youth across […]

Do Good

We need God to be able to do good and practice virtue Bad decisions and outcomes come from evil that God allows We might feel cursed as if having a streak of bad luck It is demons we all deal with in this world of exile as our training ground At every instance we have […]


#MercifulPouringGrace With God we are unstoppable. He has opened so many doors for us. Miracles daily what we didn’t think were not possible came through with Him Michelle was born with 3q29 micro-deletion syndrome As a result, had delayed milestones growing up and repeated kindergarten Although spared from many ailments this congenital condition provides, she […]

Episode 222 – Parenting Today

A discussion with Dr Michelle Alden on the issues parents face today, on the latest The Cure Show with Aimee Cabo. Dr Michelle Alden is a professional counselor in Idaho, a trainer, speaker and an adoption expert. Dr Alden helps parents navigate difficult situations directly in their homes, having more parent centered approach. Dr Alden […]

Episode 221 – His Only Son

Presenting the new movie His Only Son, the story of Abraham, with writer/director David Helling, on the latest The Cure Show with Aimee Cabo. David Helling is a US Marine Corp veteran and the director of the movie His Only Son, a biblically inspired film based on the life of Abraham. Hisonlysonmovie.com Aimee Cabo is […]