Don’t know much if not by Him, such knowledge is beyond me Psalm 139:6
He reminds us of promises, teachings, and laws found in the Bible
If not in the good book then the Holy Spirit helps us read between the lines
How our minds are so alike, with that of our Holy Father when we truly commit
Often I have conversations or write words that show up in mass soon after or in the Bible
There have been days that the blog I write relates to the reading the next day
what I speak of while we work in the early morning, shows up an hour later
As the priest gives his sermon, or the songs selected days before are perfect
For my radio show, that it falls on, cancellation or not, God always has a plan
Shows that He uses us and establishes our steps so that we prosper in most delight ways
So when I hear this psalm, I get it, I know what it means, thanks to the Holy Spirit
I write amid storms and it is consoling to me, as if God is guiding my words to console
If it ends up as a notification, I needed to read it again at the most opportune time
I learned from the Holy Psalms, that Jesus directed me to play all day long
In my social feed, the religious groups I subscribe to, much have opened my eyes
The Bible has become familiar even if I still don’t understand a lot
Never have I made such good decisions so often that worked out for the best including crosses
Or how well I do things with no prior good example, knowledge or training
If not for His tender loving care, I would not have made it. I would have been dead
He breathed life back into me and now I have to come to know His amazing eternal love
Or be surrounded by angels on earth like this, harmony, joy and the sweetest things He gives
Certainly, It is God not so much I anymore that resides in this holy temple
One body with Christ, uniting to His Spirit and no longer to this world
Answering His voice and acting in self-denial coming in at one hundred percent
To keep Him close, despite the storms of life, I will not relent
9/28/23 #Godisgood#Godisthecure#InspiredByTheHolyGhost#thankYouJesus 345