God is the Cure


I remember when I first started going back to church as the prodigal son

I arrived in shorts not even long and unaware I should have not

So we think nothing of a person that doesn’t look the part

I imagine God saying come as you are as long as you return to me

How we represent isn’t much, it’s our heart that Christ will see

For He knows the motive and why we arrive at church as tradition or growth.

For the love of God and getting close to Him is what matters most

And loving God is to be like Him, sweet, tender, and pure

What good is it to gain the world if we lose our souls? Mark 8:34-36

To grow in status of how much we do or know but judge others

Empty are words if we don’t try hard to follow through

Pray for the courage and strength to do what is right; it is a blessing, not a given

We often fall short, just stop right on track and sin no more

Make us aware of our wrongs and only please You, to God we implore

Allow us the patience to accept His will, the crosses, and our failings

A lesson well learned and gracious of Him that we never deserve

Oh sweet Lord, how sad You must be, let us be of consolation, use me

For the struggling that doesn’t yet know His love and what it is to be free

The comeback kid is the favored story for he appreciates such a grace

Grateful to God, poor in spirit, humility taking pride’s place

No sinner short of His reach that with loving open arms wouldn’t take back

And love anyway with a compassionate heart, our brothers to do the same

Precious each one to God, Spirit, and Son whose greatness all will proclaim

Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo 😌❤️🙏

7/1/23 #Godisgood#Godisthecure#InspiredByTheHolyGhost #298