God is the Cure

Successful Relationships

Discussing how to establish effective communications and improve on relationships in this episode of The Cure, where host Aimee Cabo and guest Corine La Font dive into the topic.

Corine La Font has been a Public Relations practitioner for the past 10 years. While living in Jamaica for 21 years she established herself being a Columnist with the Jamaica Gleaner, a national daily newspaper, as well as offering professional services in Publishing and digital marketing for clients globally. When moved to Trinidad established her company Lafont and associates. Lafontandassociates.com

The Cure Radio™ live talk syndicated radio show and live-streamed podcast is hosted by Aimee Cabo and offers a platform of hope to anyone who has experienced or is currently experiencing domestic violence, abuse, trauma, mental health, or other challenges that affect your life. It’s a place to find comfort, knowledge, strategies, answers, hope, and love, and so much more, all while you are healing your wounds and knowing that you are loved and not alone.

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Aimee Cabo Nikolov is a Cuban American who has lived most of her life in Miami. After many years of healing, finding love, raising a family and evolving her relationship with God, Aimee’s true grit and courage led her to pen an honest, thought-provoking memoir. Years of abuse became overshadowed with years of happiness and unconditional love. Now Aimee is the president of IMIC Research, a medical research company, a transformational speaker, syndicated radio host and focused on helping others. You can read more about Aimee by visiting her website.
Dr. Boris Nikolov is the CEO of Neuroscience Clinic. You can read more about Dr. Nikolov and the work he is doing by visiting his website.

The Cure with Aimee Cabo


Hi guys, we’re getting ready to start the radio show as we wait for a guest to come on and we wait for the radio to begin any minute. Now it’s going to be a great show. It’s going to talk about establishing good relationships and effective communication. Something that we all need, I believe. And it’s very essential in life. If you ask me and Bobby wants to say hello,

You always say that, bro. He wants to say hello. Okay. Bobby will say hello and hello. And back to Amy, please stay with us. When I start seeing housing, you think

As soon as God is willing, you know, he’s in control of everything. Yes, God will. It, it will happen. It always does. It looks bad.

Anyway, we need to wait for people to log in, right? Yeah.

Just tell me what to do. And <inaudible>

The cure with Amy Cabo. Nave can bring many difficult situations, domestic violence, addictions, poverty, and even sexual abuse by your loved ones. Welcome Amy Cabo and the cure. And welcome to the cure radio show at Miami, the partner who am amazing today. Thank you. Thank you.

Our show is available. Live on your radio. Also through our app, the cure on any smartphone and our website, God is the cure.com. We’re broadcasting today live from Miami through satellite available in 35 radios and more than 11 States and live on social media. And soon after the show, any podcast player, this show deals with suffering the tenacity of the human spirit, the world to survive and courage to keep moving forward. Despite any obstacle with the help of God who enables us to help each other, we provide testimonials to let people know that we’re not alone.

And in this show, the testimony started with me having been a survivor from child abuse, well into young adulthood, we also had the experts in several fields and inspirational speakers that are willing to help with valuable information. Knowing that education is necessary. Awareness is crucial and comfort is so very needed. I do believe we all suffer and have, or have suffered from something and we can be a source of hope and healing for each other. Life will always be challenging, but I always know there’s always someone who cares if no one at all, at least got us.

The song we played earlier was go crazy by Chris Brown and young thug. And this is my take. When we ask God to grow, it can sometimes rain. It can have us up all night arrested. Sure. It’s never an Bain. When life hits hard, we miss God. The, the one who takes our battles and make things right. We are mistaken. If we believe that alone, we can win the fight. We are reminded. God is all we need. As discouraging as it may be only he can clear our minds, bring us peace, change our lives and set us free.

God knows our hearts. And when we’re falling apart, he can tell for being real. And the more genuine we become the greater love skill and the more pain we feel with God, what we do is amazing. He is telling us just go crazy. He will believe us. Even when our eyes, he will believe in us. Even when our eyesight goes hazy, blind, trust builds faith. As we become our best. There will be times that we feel weary, just know that God provides rest. And today we have an amazing guest all the way from Trinidad Corinne LaFont Corrine LaFont has been a public relations practitioner for the past 10 years while living in Jamaica for 21 years, she established herself as a columnist with the Jamaican, with the Jamaica Gleaner, a national daily newspaper, as well as offering professional services in publishing and digital marketing for clients globally.

Upon her return home to Trinidad in 2017, she registered her business LaFond and associates, a public relations and communications consultancy to address the needs of strategy in crisis management, content creation and publication, as well as digital marketing and strategy. She has been a Toastmaster since 2012 and is a member and precedent of leaders beyond borders. Online advance Toastmasters club. She’s an award winning author, mom of two boys aged 25 and 17 and loves Latin dancing like you.

Yeah. Corinne, thank you for being on the show. You are now alive.

Thank you so much. It’s a pleasure to be here

Now, green as a communication expert, do you find communication important and anything we do? What is effective communication as opposed to unproductive communication

Idea, communication is extremely important. And what people need to realize is that no matter what aspect of your relationship, what type of relationship you’re having, whether it’s with a coworker or whatever does pose, or as people see our significant other, if you’re not married, even with your children, community members, it doesn’t matter what type of relationship you have. You need to communicate and communication, we know are in different forms. So you have the oral, you have the return you have, you know, but communication is also body language. And as I said to someone the other day in our conversation, even sex, because I’m allowed to say that on your show, even sex is a form of communication.

It is, it is, it is a way of expressing oneself in a different way to be able to say to another person, this is what I liked. This is what I want. This is how I want to be loved. So communication is extremely, extremely important in order to have mutual understanding, respect and respect of each other.

And it’s, it’s an essential part of everyday li living. I believe. I mean, communication is key and some of us, some of us need to work on it. Yeah, me too.

But I, Oh yeah, go ahead.

I mean, I believe it’s essential in any relationship for the relationship to be healthy. I mean, could you tell me what are the ramifications of peer communications in the other hand, if communication is lying, lacking

Well, if communication is lacking, where, how are you moving forward? If I don’t understand you and you don’t take the time to understand me, which speaks to the patients, the ability to listen and not just listen, I need this intense with the, with the ability to not come with your own ideas, but listen with an open mind and open heart and open soul and open function, to be able to hear what the person is saying and to be able to mirror. So it’s not to make the assumption that this is what the person is saying to you. Be Claire. You ask questions to seek clarification, to find out is this what you are saying to me?

Because a lot of the time, I’m sure you have experienced it yourself, where persons are saying things to you, but that’s not really what they’re saying. Their body language is in conflict with what they are saying, when are most over their hand. And, you know, you can send through your even intuition that there is more to it than that. There’s a story behind it. There’s a reason there’s something else they want to say. And if you keep digging begins again, to try to find out what it is, it might be annoying to the other person that you’re asking clarifying questions all the time, but you’re really trying to get to the root of the matter. And the fact that somebody else is trying to get to the root of the matter shows that it cares about the other person that they’re in communication with, that they really want to know in order to resolve the situation.

But if there’s a lack of communication, it means to say, I don’t care. I’m really don’t want to know. I’m not interested. I have no respect for you. It doesn’t matter how you feel or think, and really where you bring in a relation to apply that nowhere,

Right? It’s just, it’s important. And supposing not all of us have the gifts or the ability, or we may not even know how to communicate effectively. And for someone who may not have those skills, what’s the best way to learn communication. Is it by being a good listener by asking the person helped me understand? What do you suggest?

Well, some of those ways are some of the best ways to start. Some of those ways that you have suggested are the best ways to stop practice. Some of the ways that even get involved in a voluntary organization where you are maybe here tried to take the lead, or even try to be on the other side of a system and see the kind of reaction they may get from the other place. And because you have to be on both sides of the patient to really understand communication, not just being able to give the instruction, but also to receive the instruction. So, you know, because communication is about sending and receiving a message, whatever that message do you have to really understand what it, what is communication?

So you, so I would suggest to anyone, if you don’t have any difficulties in communicating with probably volunteering or, or talking with a friend and say, listen, I, I seem to be having solid pop in telling me that I’m not what I did. Could you help me? But you tell me if I, if I am doing this way or that way and practice, but it is about listening, like you said, and it is about seeking clarifying questions and digging a bit deeper. And I’m being on both sides of the equation, be on the side, giving the instruction and the, on the side, receiving them.

I get this right, the best way to understand communication or understand someone else or to have an open communication is not just to see it from your point of view, a place yourself in the other person’s shoes. And you might see a clear and the communication will continue after this short break. <inaudible>, we’ll be right back with Amy and Amy and the queue.

This show deals with suffering, the tenacity of the human spirit and the courage to keep moving forward with the help of God. I want people to know that there’s hope I was forced into my abortion because I didn’t think I had a choice. I want people to know there’s choices for my heart. I want you to know that I love you. Thank God for you, Amy Cabo and the cure every Saturday at one Eastern on the truth network <inaudible> and now we will continue with the care.

Welcome back, guys. This is Amy Cabo. And thanks for tuning in. Remember,

So you can listen to the radio show life through our app, the curate Amy Cabo, or through our website. That is the cure.com or as a podcast. Just look for the cure on any podcast


The sound I just played West <inaudible> by Selena, how adorable as Spanish song suggested by our little one, Michelle. And here’s how I was able to come with something out of it. It’s a lot of repetitive words.


Comes in many forms. We know it hurts and it’s full of pain. Sometimes it’s shocking and can drive one insane. Nonetheless, we carry on and wish the best for everyone. Hopefully we learn where we went wrong. And if there’s someone else to whom we might belong, I know that the change starts with me. I must be. I must become who I want the other person to be. There are people worth fighting for, and there’s a reason to increase our effort and do more love, must be nurtured in order to grow just like a flower. God showed us love and kindness from the first, hello?

Wow, you are a poet. You should start writing, you know, song lyrics.

I’m not a singer or anything. They can just write it for them. We’re talking to Corinne, right? Yes. Who is helping us with advice on for relationships and effective communication. Something very important. First, I want to read a little script from Colossians three, 12 through 14, which says put on then as God’s chosen ones, Holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience bearing with one another. And if one has complaint against another forgiving, each other as the Lord has forgiven you.

So you must all also forgive and above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Like I say, love is the answer. Yup.

Okay. That is the cure.

That is the cure. Corinne. How do we overcome? Okay. So we were talking about last, before the show, we were talking about, you know, communications and if it doesn’t work out, as we know, there’s a lot of conflict in the world these days. So how do we overcome hurdles obstacles and in relationships, what can be done? Is there intervention available?

The greatest intervention is, as you mentioned, a daughter and forgiveness, that’s a pretty good intervention. I don’t know of anything early, that kind of works except a higher store. Whatever person wants to call him, who is God, the universe source, whatever it may be. You need a higher source. If you are relying solely on yourself and your limited capacity, because we are limited as humans on this earth. And I’m not saying that in a negative way, or to make people feel dumb, but we have to really tap into our highest or to be able to get the strength, the grace, the resilience and discernment, to be able to understand what’s going on in our respective lives and the lives that we interact with others.

If we want to live on joyful blissful life, which is what I am sure God means for us to house on this.

I, I, that was a great statement. I really love what you said. And it’s so true because a lot of times when there’s conflict is because we don’t understand and you know, Jesus said, turn the other cheek. But a lot of us know it’s a lot easier said than done, especially when the other person is not willing to listen or doesn’t understand. That’s when I say then trust God, God can change anyone’s heart. He can touch anyone. And he can rectify any situation.

I don’t know about the turn, the other cheek thing. I mean, it was like somebody is hurting you and then you turn in your other check and then hurts you some more. Is there any more like different stuff? Like maybe more like, I dunno, change it somehow.

I don’t know as God.


Comment on that. I want to make a comment on that. Let’s turn the other cheek or none of us take it literally. Yeah. You know, it’s like, you slapped me on one side and I turned the other ones. You just slapped me on the other end.

That doesn’t feel good. I don’t like that idea.

Okay. Do me in and finish me off, off I’m here. I’m giving you the rest of me to finish me off. No, that’s not what it is to me. It’s like, you look at yourself in the mirror. You, you know, you have two sides to everything and you must be able to look at yourself in the mirror because let me tell you something. A lot of us look externally for answers or it’s AME or it’s boring, or it’s the world, or it’s my employer. How would you, it kind of resolve the situation. Whatever is happening externally is a reflection of what’s happening internally.

What you are is what you are not. And so a lot of people don’t want to accept that and that’s okay. You don’t have to accept it. You will just keep repeating the same cycle. That’s all you. And you may not be wanting to be alive because you’re stuck in that, in that space of not realizing, Oh my God, the same thing is happening over and over again. Why am I attracting the same month? Why is the same thing? Keep happening to me? It’s because it’s you it’s you, it’s not Amy. It’s not Corinne. It’s not boring if you, and if you don’t take stock and become aware and internally, and I don’t mean fuck yourself on and dig inside, I need, you have to go on a journey.

I have been on a spiritual journey and I am still on that journey because it’s never where you have to start at stepping all you are. Are you okay with who you are, where you are right now? And I don’t mean physically. I mean, in the time and what’s going on with you. And if you’re not do something about it, big, deep seek counseling. If you need to somebody to just talk to go to the girl who is going to give you the answers, he may not answer at the time that you want this because we are big. We want everything fast and furious. I, the movie, you know, she’s told me, walking or driving or driving and get to, yes, we wanted it our time.

But you see the reason why he gives us time is to allow us to be patient, to work on, on, on that quality. And I hear you mention it in Philippians a while ago to be able to be still still and be patient to days. Because the weird thing is what gets to us as human beings. We are impatient and they want answers. We know in the stillness and the patient is where we get it. Yeah,

Here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. Here’s where it’s difficult to be patient in a way. And we’re a lot of people run into conflict is that they pray and pray and pray. And nothing seems to be changing and things still look bad. And that’s when you need to have patients even more so and keep the faith even more. So it’s one, it looks bad. It’s when it looks scary, it’s one you really don’t understand and you don’t want to forgive. That’s true.

Okay. We’d love to hear from you. Call us with your question on relationships. One eight, six, six 34 three one eight six six 34. And then we’ll continue speaking with Corinne. LaFond about successful communications and relationships. After the break, we’ll be right back. Amy. I’ve been spending way too long. Checking my tone and bending over backwards just to try to see clever my breath fogged up the glass. And so I drew a new face and I guess what I was saying is the ain’t no bed. The reasons

Are rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons. It’s what we aim to do one name. Whoa. Hey, no more. No, it can wait.

<inaudible> now we will continue with angry Cabo.

Welcome back guys. Remember we’re live every Saturday at 1:00 PM on your radio, on our ethic year and on our website, God is the cure.com.

All shows are available. Also as a video podcast, just look for the cure with Amy Cabo, wherever podcasts are in, maybe you can see other podcasts as well.

That was I’m yours by Jason Rob. There are times we try to figure it out only to discover our humanity. It can put into perspective our deceptions and our vanity. If pleasing, God is what we aim to do. We will succeed, never fail. It’s our virtue provided to us all practiced by the few God says I’m yours and we are his it’s it isn’t complicated. It’s heaven’s kiss. It’s our fate. Let’s open our eyes and be set free. The future. No one can foresee don’t compromise yourself or believe a lie for God.

There is no limit to this guys. Once with God, his children possible prosper and always rise. Luke, 2334, Jesus said, father, forgive them for, they do not know what they are doing. We are talking to Corinne. LaFond about successful relationships and effective communication green. We, we spoke at some length about relationship with others and the people that we love. And I wanted to explore a little bit about relationship with the world around us.

The friends that we keep, is it, how can we recognize and avoid toxic friends? Can we make a difference? Should we keep them around or will it cause more harm than good?

Well, unfortunately we lost the video with Corinne. Sorry, Courtney. If you can try to reconnect, that’d be great with the video, but anyway, we have the audio still.

Yeah. I am trying to connect with a video several times and I’m not there yet.

So how about that? Let’s talk that.

Yeah. All right. So thank you for that question in me, toxic, people have no place in your life. If you decide you want never wrong, your life is not going to be one of joy and bliss, which is what God means for you and move to the one for yourself. How do you deal with persons that are toxic? Or how do you recognize, you know, it within the fact that you asked us question,

Every loser,

Let’s try again.

Okay. You can talk if you want meanwhile, about relationships

And we, we don’t have her anymore. Not a video.

Well, while I get Carla, can I say to give you, give us your 2 cents?

We were talking about toxic friends. I asked that question because just recently I had to get rid of most of my past friends. I try to make a difference, but it only costs more harm than good. So I think that Corrine has a point and there comes a point in time where you just have to realize what’s good for you and what’s not. And if, if you want to walk and right to sadness and you want to do the right thing and you want to set a good example, you have to keep in good company.

And otherwise, while you’re trying to make a difference and make things better, you’re really playing with fire and you’re likely to get burned. So do we have her back?

Did they, did your friends know Amy, that you were trying to help them to not be toxic?

Well, there is, there is friends that are toxic and sometimes we don’t realize it. We think it’s all fun and games and we’re doing the right thing. Then we get close to God and we think we see things clear and we’re like, wait a second. This isn’t right. This isn’t me. We go back to who we used to be before we learned all the bad. Okay.

Yeah. Let, let me connect you back to the radio.

I think we’re getting her back. Nothing. Thank you.

You’re welcome. Okay. So we’re going to have Korean very soon. That’s the tricks of modern communications pickpockets. Okay. Okay. So Corinne. Do you hear us green?

I guess we don’t have her yet. No, we

Do. We do. Oh, we do.

Oh, there she is. And we have video too. Yay. Corinne. Your back is bigger. Yes. Got it.


I mean, so we were saying, don’t try to hang around toxic relationships thinking you can be the good influence because trust me you’ll lose. I’ve been there. Done that.

No, you don’t need them. There’s no space. No, no, no. Yes. We all do. Let me tell you it’s hard, but it’s the best way to learn it. Only to keep repeating the same thing. It only took <inaudible> for those of us who are very loyal. Oh yes. Oh yes. Yes. I’m let me tell you. People love people who are loyal so that they could continue to abuse you or manipulate you. You know,

I can only do that for so long green before God steps in. They can only do that for so long. So God is good. Always. I’d rather be alone than in bed. Goodbye. I’m never alone that great company. And that’s our father who loves and adores his greatly. And there’s no better feeling that as much as God loves me, he loves everyone else. The same too, which is not the same. If you’re a child with parents, there’s a different kind of love. Just like we don’t understand. We can’t imagine God’s love.


Yeah. Yeah.

E here, here. It’s a good question, Corinne, because you’re a very colorful person. I’m having a lot of fun with you. What are, what are, what are, what are good aspects or, Oh, what is a key to a long term relationship successful? I know, I know. I know. Oh, you do. I do, please, please enlighten me because I’m still trying to figure that out. I know it may only need say yes and agree. Oh, but wait.

Oh, just the mom’s perspective. Any what’s the mindset that I would see probably says the same thing. It’s like, just say yes to everything. Yes. Say yes, but that’s the male perspective and that’s okay. That works too. But we pick up on that Boris man. We know what you guys are up to. Yeah.

And how do we know how they really feel? Is that good communication or is that a peacemaker please inform us.

Well, I think, I think I don’t don’t tell anybody. I said it. Okay.

Everybody close your eyes here, everybody that’s listening. Close your ears. Yes. Go ahead.

Right. Don’t tell anyone I said this. Okay. Because I will say I I’ve never said it as a man and then say yes to everything. You just sang, honey. Yay. And you, and you accepted, you accepted depending on what it is that you want. But you know, if you find that there’s, you know, you need more or you, you want to make sure that there’s a little balance at times, you know, you can say, Hey honey, I think it would be good if we do so. And so if we do whatever, but there are times girl check the yes.

Why not? If it brings peace, who cares? Anyhow. So, but what did I say? Make, pretend, you know, the song, you know? But if, if the relationship struggling, what kind of things could help a relationship that’s struggling and I’m not talking about flowers. They die. Yeah. And it’s what the typical abuser does. Okay.

Yeah. That’s another good idea learned.

So give me something unique, struggling. Yes.

Well, I don’t know if there’s something unique, if something is struggling and it reaches to that point, it needs to say that you’re really at a point that you are loaded professor and you reach a point of struggling. You should have known that from the beginning.

Okay. Let’s continue after the break. Sorry. Corinne. Let’s call it on laptop. We would love to hear from you also, if anybody is listening to us, tell us your question to ask us a question about relationship. One eight, six, six 34 three one eight six, six 34 throats. Stay with us, please. We’ll be right back with me.


I’m speech over the edge and just breath test. I never thought that I’d catch this bug again. Oh man. I never thought that I’d get hit, but I just love you can. Now we will continue with Amy Cabo

And thanks for tuning in we’re alive every Saturday at 1:00 PM. Eastern on your radio and on our app, the cure and on social media, just look for God is the cure. Cause he is.

Yes, he is. And also the later, I mean, later the show will be available as a podcast. Just search for the cure with Amy Cabo. Now Amy is spelled with an I and a double E what our podcasts are.

I’m not French. That is differentiating, but

It’s always your M in certain people call you. That sounds like a letter. Yeah. It’s faster.

Some that just played was Lovebug by Jonah’s brothers. I’m speechless. I thought I knew, love that. Isn’t until I got to really know our heavenly father from above, I can still struggle every day and live on the edge, but it’s still amazing. Loving God is my solemn pledge. Speechless. I’m also when things go wrong, grateful. Always not because of God. I remained strong. I was hit with the greatest love bug around when God showed me the roads from the day I was found, I only felt complete when discovering that the missing part of me was the one who created us sacrifice this luck life to redeem us and set us free.

We are talking to Corinne. LaFont about success for relationships and communications. And in look 2334 in your shirt, the shirt that’s Oh, yes. Jesus said father, forgive them for, they do not know what they’re doing. Yep. God is so good. So please forgive me. I always forget. Cool. Corrine is having a spiritual relationship with a higher,

Okay. About the struggling with the sec.

I covered the certain relationships. So if you’re struggling in a relationship, how do you know whether you should keep trying? You should get going or it’s not worth it anymore? What relationships are worth continuing? When do you feel? There’s no longer reason to communicate?

Hmm. Very good question.

When you find that the investment is not valid, so let’s say I’m in a relationship with Barbara for this, the enemy, but that’s for this moment, allow me to be in a relationship. So that’s the, I’m in a relationship as far as, and I am investing more in making the relationship work done here. You need to cut your losses. You’re giving more of yourself than the other person is willing to do that. Love to make a decision there. And then are you still going to no, my idea that is not love. It must be equitable. It must be balanced reciprocal, but equally your reciprocal.

Right? But the fact that you’re struggling clearly there is something. Yeah, it has to be a balance. I am giving as much as you are giving as much as I am. Yeah.

If one is always forgiving and the other one does barely needs to be forgiven.

No, no, it doesn’t work like that. Not for me. No, no, no, no, no, no. Which means that the other person is saying you are to blame. The other person is to blame all the time and you have to keep the place that’s toxic. Get out.

Not bad, not good, but you know, there’s more to it though.

I have a, I want to share something here that somebody just sent to me, a very good friend of mine. I’m going to ask you about credit for sharing his own money. The former prime minister’s wife, he’s a good friend of mine. And she sent me this image on my phone. Don’t treat people the way they treat. You treat people the way God sees you. That’s a very good ruler restaurants. So you don’t treat people the way the streets. You <inaudible> treat yourself, people the way <inaudible>,

That’s an excellent point that you make. You know how many times my Lord, I can’t even count that God has had to forgive me, but I’ve never had to forgive him yet. He doesn’t give up on me. So maybe there’s exceptions to the room when the good outweighs the bad


We, we, we were made in his image. We can try to be like him. Right? We can emulate.

Yeah. Yeah. But it takes work. We are not, we are not perfect. We are in the process of perfection here on disease. And we may not achieve perfection. He understood because I process and we have to strive. We have to try, but just call me to the store and going all in with an egotistic attitude. And it cannot mean that it cannot mean that I am trying and forests. Isn’t trying. And I expect you to be trying all the time. And he’s not putting the effort. If it’s draining, it’s draining and you have to make a decision. Whether he wants to continue, you can, you know, it’s three wheels and individual can decide what a man or a woman can decide.

They want to keep pouring, pouring, pouring out of their best friend all the time and getting nothing back. It’s not true. There is personally I have done it. Yeah, there is

That. They’re both trying. Just one is better at it. The other one keeps falling more. That’s all. So, you know, that’s where the forgiving more comes in.

One is better at it. No, no, no, no. That, that, that that’s the excuse. I’m better at it. I was no, no, no. You can try Joseph. <inaudible> don’t get me wrong.

Corinne. I’m saying they both give it their best effort. They both tried just as hard, except one is good about not faltering back. And the other one makes mistakes all the time. Right. You know, but it’s not that the other person isn’t trying, it’s just that the other person’s better. Yeah. You know, self-discipline I guess,

Well, let me say something to you in him. Let me say something to you in it. Once what happens is that we also need to recognize the relationship because some people are not meant to be together. Oh, ever Leanne, Boris, or whoever was involved. <inaudible> we got, maybe we are just meant to be friends. We know I’m sure people who were married about it was, I know they’re the best of friends better than when they were married. Sometimes it’s not meant to be together with that individual. You’re not meant to be in a relationship, but you’re meant to be best friends. You’re meant to be business partners. People who were married before, but they are very good at business partners.

So you have to really evaluate the type of relationship you’re having at home best use or best you and interrupt. We live with each other. There’s nothing wrong with saying no, we’re not put together as opposed to one-on-one, but we are good as friends. We are good at business class.

Yes. That’s when you’re willing to let go. That’s when you find no more reason to continue going, that’s when you feel like you deserve better. But yeah, I have to admit, I set myself aside and I don’t like to believe that I deserve better because the person that I’m with deserves better as well. And wow. We’re usually both guilty. There’s no one sided thing.

No, no. Yeah. So you have only one minute left.

So really quick, better communication skills man or woman. And one minute fun question.

Yes. Let me hear that question again. Let me see.

I believe have better Omar, effective communication skills, men or women. Fun question. I believe they have different ways of communicating.

Oh my God. I don’t want to take sides. I think I don’t, I’m not taking sides. Both male and female have good communication skills. We just need to take the time to understand each other men process things differently. It is a fact scientifically proven and a woman processing differently. We, as women will say things as men will be like, what are you saying? It just takes patience. It just takes patience. It takes on the family.

Men are more factual. Men are more factual, like mathematics science, where women are more emotional. You know, they put a little bit more heart that’s right. And aren’t both things just as important, I would say,

Yeah, there are, and this is what makes the world go wrong. This is what makes life interesting. Intriguing. You know, this is what helps us to be who we are. And as we look to be a better version of ourselves and learn to understand others because things are different. <inaudible> yeah. If you’re all emotional, unfortunately

Where at the end of their show. But thank God that can guide us, but other, because otherwise we’d be lost. But we want to say thank you to our wonderful guests. Corinne LaFont Corinne LaFond Oh, please write more information on hurricane. Be found on LaFond and associates.com and Corinne. Thank you very much. And God bless you. Have a beautiful day.

Here’s some ideas. Thank you.

And thank you to our producer today, Beth Ann, and the truth protector for being with us, making the show sound good and making the music possible. Thanks to the Christian card guy, Robby Dilmore for his continuing guidance and love his shelves. Now let’s pray a prayer for better communication. Dear Lord, we pray for husbands and wives. So often the communication in marriage is a catalyst for arguments. We pray for better and more effective communication between spouses may your Holy spirit anoint each of us so that we respond to each other in love.

Grace and kindness made the tone of her voices represent the respect we have for each other. We also pray our body language would be respectful and appropriate. So often we reveal our frustrations non-verbally and that also stores negative negativity in the relationship, help us to be patient understanding and full of wisdom. As we communicate with our spouses and jesus’ name, amen and happy Thanksgiving to everyone, please, let’s be thankful to God every day, besides this one holiday.

That’s what we do when we pray. This is Amy capo. You have been listening to the gear

And then please check out our podcast, the cure with Amy Cabo or our website. God is the cure.com. You can send us suggestions there to contact us page as far as topics of the show. And thank you to our listeners for being with us, took us to 97 downloads of the 7,097. Downloads. God is good at the cure podcast until next week. Be kind, give it your best and stay safe in these crazy times. There’s two shop. Thank you for listening to the care with Amy cabin for more information, or to get Amy’s book the answer to care or to listen to the podcasts of previous shows visit God is the care.com.

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