God is the Cure

Aimee Cabo, host of The Cure Radio Show, Award Winning Author and Transformational Speaker

The importance of standing for God in our country which was built on Christian values, with Lynn Wogamon, on THE CURE with Aimee Cabo.

Lynn Wogamon is a licensed school psychologist, teacher, and author. She provides evaluation, consultation, and advocacy for children and parents. She is the author of three books and believes that Christians are called to be involved in the social and political arenas. Lynn’s latest book is Standing For God in America. 

Aimee Cabo is the host of THE CURE with Aimee Cabo, a radio show on Sirius XM, Channel 131 every Sunday at 5:30 pm Est, also a video podcast, a Christian author and a speaker. Godisthecure.com
