God is the Cure

Aimee Cabo, host of The Cure Radio Show, Award Winning Author and Transformational Speaker

Cyberbullying is still happening even though children are not in school due to the Coronavirus. Guest of The Cure Dr. Gustavo Roldan discussed with Aimee, Dr. Boris, and special guest Michelle Nikolov.

The Cure Radio™ live talk radio show and live-streamed podcast is hosted by Aimee Cabo and offers a platform of hope to anyone who has experienced or is currently experiencing domestic violence, abuse, trauma, mental health, or other challenges that affect your life. It’s a place to find comfort, knowledge, strategies, answers, hope, and love, and so much more, all while you are healing your wounds and knowing that you are loved and not alone.

Join Aimee and her professional guests live on The Cure with Aimee Cabo Video Podcast  every Saturday at 1 PM EST recorded during the live radio show.

Please listen and subscribe to the show and then share the show with others. Enjoy weekly contests, knowledgeable guests, and a few laughs.

It’s then available after as an Audio Podcast available heard on most podcast platforms.

You can find information about the show and past guests bios by visiting the RADIO SHOW PAGE.

Aimee hopes that anyone who has suffered abuse of any kind, or walked a moment in similar shoes, will find inspiration in these pages, and hope that love and truth will ultimately prevail. Please subscribe and share this podcast.

Aimee Cabo Nikolov is a Cuban American who has lived most of her life in Miami. After many years of healing, finding love, raising a family and evolving her relationship with God, Aimee’s true grit and courage led her to pen an honest, thought-provoking memoir. Years of abuse became overshadowed with years of happiness and unconditional love. Now Aimee is the president of IMIC Research, a medical research company, a speaker, radio host and focused on helping others. You can read more about Aimee by visiting her website.
Dr. Boris Nikolov is the CEO of Neuroscience Clinic. You can read more about Dr. Nikolov and the work he is doing by visiting his website.

Michelle Nikolov, a 12 year old is a co-host of today’s show, an aspiring bullying child advocate who shares her testimony.


Dr. Gustavo Roldan has been a mental health professional for over 25 years and is an Adjunct Professor at Florida International University. He has been studying Cannabis Treatment for over 20 years in Colorado, Oregon, Washington and North Carolina, and Medellín, Colombia. Dr. Roldan facilitates workshops on many Cannabis related topics. He also facilitates “Caregiver Support Groups”. Member of Society of Cannabis Clinicians and Patient’s Out of Time. Dr Roldan is currently working at the Neuroscience Clinic Miami. You can read more about Dr. Roldan by visiting the Neuroscience Miami website