We will have troubles He warned us about especially if we love God, John 16:33
But we will have peace for Christ is with us and He gives us rest
Love Him anyway as we carry the cross and try our best
Surrender what’s beyond us when it seems hope is gone
Accept any scenario, pray for wisdom and strength, and that His will be done
God knows the heart, it’s in darkness that we must be a spark of light
That others will come to know He is a God of mercy and might
Keep close to Him by doing all that He said including our daily bread
Do this in memory of Me in the last supper He provided the church
That we continue to share one body to eliminate all sin in our soul
Pray as much as we can these are not days for mediocracy
Forgive, love, and give, no matter what just for His sake
Step outside your comfort zone, fight for what’s right, and carry the torch
Keep to His word and search Him in every way each and every day
Confidence is to know that God works miracles, will help us and is on our side
How many ways to please Him but better than sacrifice is to abide, 1 Samuel 15:22
Knowing Him is comfort and following through our confidence
When we find our identity in Christ we are at peace and truly free
That God will take care of us in the best way possible
At times hard to understand how He works but that is okay
Every good is revealed as we grow in His own special way
He has our heart, listens to our voice; call on Him always, psalm 116:2
Never does He not eagerly help the person who prays
His mercy extends to every poor soul for Christ never gives up
Consumed in His goodness and given full confidence is how we endure
Oh sweet loving Jesus, time and again You have been the only cure
Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo 😌❤️🙏
1/20/24 #Godisgood#Godisthecure#InspiredByTheHolyGhost#thankYouJesus, number 399