God is the Cure


We praise God for His perfect plan of salvation, His holiness, and Justice

Due to His mercy and grace so tender, He is always faithful and true

He gifts and graces that cannot be bought, like wisdom and peace

We give him all the glory and honor in supplication and humility

To be purified from unrighteousness that we neglected to follow through

Help us to fulfill our purpose that You give and do Your will

Keep us close to You that the sting of life does not move us to despair

You’re our fortress and refuge whose provisions are abundant in blessings

Ever present help in our trouble; the cure to every affliction, psalm 46:1

For Your love never fails, and Your divine might above all

Please help us to be vigilant and provide the peace of diligence and discipline

That we are not be fooled into virtue-signaling; it is You we must please

Satan plays on a good heart and our ego equally; whatever might work

Expect daily temptations and trials; the cross is constant, the bitter-sweet

But oh sweet Jesus, though we not see and our faith way waiver

Giving abundantly, enabling gifts that we thrive for His grace will suffice, 2 Corinthians 12:9

Turning tragedies into blessings, helping us grow, and opening eyes

Satan will minimize our sin to make us more open to sin even more

It is better to think something wrong than not and let it get worse

Don’t let even small sins slide; confess immediately and make amends

For if we do not call sin, sin, we go astray and remain in misery

Rest assured, God has us even when we are weak or fall short

Multiple blessings and solace as God hears His children removing all chains

God’s love is immense, His Angels protect, and Jesus will guide

Strength, grit, joy, love, and peace; a goodness that’s steadfast to those who abide

Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo 😌❤️🙏

1/20/24 #Godisgood#Godisthecure#InspiredByTheHolyGhost#thankYouJesus, number 399