So unworthy we are we don’t even come close to His goodness (Luke 17:10)
Though I don’t doubt His power. If He tells us to be perfect, He can do that (Matthew 5:48)
If He can save any soul, I will not despair but keep praying (Mark 2:17)
If He says nothing will separate us from His love, I will forgive myself (Romans 8:38-39)
For His goodness I am awestruck, but I will give it my best (Psalm 23:6)
With faith, I will endure every cross, offer it up awaiting my rest (Matthew 11:28-30)
I will not settle for less and do what most will not do if it is His will (Psalm 40:8)
Sacrifice, deny the flesh whatever it takes to glorify God (Romans 8:12-13)
Every morning, start over; yesterday is the past, confess to be a clean slate (Lamentations 3:22-23)
God wants us to prosper fight with all our might; failure is not our fate (Jeremiah 29:11)
Oh, how the spirit is willing, but the body is weak (Matthew 26:41)
God, the only thing we should seek to be poor in spirit, humble, and meek (Matter 5:3-12)
Unable we are without Him, our peace, courage, strength, and resolve (John 15:5)
How the enemy hits hard call on God and all forces above (Psalm 91:11-12)
Yes, we fall, God will pick us up, don’t lose your fight (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)
Nothing happens unless He allows, trust His divine love, eternal mercy, and might (Proverbs 16:33)
God does not turn away a contrite heart, so try not to relapse (Psalm 51:17)
He gives us nothing we cannot handle; expect it to be hard (1 Corinthians 10:13)
How great it is to be in a state of grace. All works out for our good (Psalms 84:11)
And how complete we feel in loving Him when we do as we should (Philippians 1:6)
We are barren trees without His mercy, or our sins will overtake us (Matthew 7:19)
He is the one who guards us and defends us from every trouble (Psalm 121:7-8)
Oh sweet loving Lord, we adore You and so sorry; in You is the crown (2 Timothy 4:8)
Thank You for being our everything, turning that frown upside down (Psalm 68:19)
Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo 😌❤️🙏
3/23/24 #Godisgood#Godisthecure#InspiredByTheHolyGhost#thankYouJesus, number 420