You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts”. Luke 16:15
We don’t act upon the approval of others before that of God
Satan influences us into believing we are being good rather than foolish
To feel better, we tend to one, unaware that we are not considered the many
People stand and wait at the entrance when arriving late to mass
Either way, it’s a distraction which is quickly resolved by sitting down
A devoted young priest stops to ask them to go ahead and come in
We examine if it is only us feeling good with every action we do
Some priests stand in different areas to distribute the Eucharist
Those who believe that only the priest’s hands are anointed to handle this
Will still approach the priest wherever he stands
As such, the line will be just as long, but they will walk further
Exercise is good, but the process may be delayed
We do everything for God, especially the right thing to His justice
We give Him 100% in all we do, not just when we think it’s important
He wants us perfect as God our Holy Father in Heaven, Matthew 5:48
So extraordinary are His graces how most everything works out
To feel blessed by His wonders, including the endurance He provides
Perfect timing, we do things excellently, and all falls into place perfectly
Or are we content living with demons, thinking it’s just bad luck?
Are we willing not to offend Him in any way, big or small?
Any disobedience to our Heavenly Father violates the 4th and 1st commandments
We are not okay with our kids not listening, so we don’t do the same to God
We deny the flesh and place God first. His love worth it, and for His sacrifice
If only we knew how the sins Satan convinces us is no big deal
is actually many sins in that one small action that makes us fall from grace
Where we find ourselves back in square one, having to start over
All the good we did suddenly outweighed when we callously sin
Just think of a good student who works hard all year but skips school to drink
Are we thinking of the good grades on the day that student did not attend?
And would we continue to bless him even as he behaves badly
Yet in His infinite goodness, He is there for us, giving us rest and joy
It’s just that there is peace and so much more when we surrender and fully commit
He sees the heart and knows is we are trying despite our weakness
We don’t have God’s mind or mercy, though I imagine He feels it too
God gave us His heart through His only son; let’s give Him ours as well
For His will is that we be saved, and it takes the narrow road
The righteous, He smoothes the way and takes on the heavier load, Isaiah 26:4
Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo 😌❤️🙏
1/25/24 #Godisgood#Godisthecure#InspiredByTheHolyGhost#thankYouJesus, number 400