Those who endure until the end will see salvation (Matthew 24:13-14)
Sweet, loving God has never let us down and always picked us up
The enemy will constantly temp and throw fire our way
Though we have our guardian angel who inspires us to pray
Our Good God comes to the rescue every day
So we might not get it right every time,
Just capitalize on our strengths
Despite what’s wrong, count on Him. Nothing’s bigger than God
No matter what, there are blessings to count, including the trial
For His children, nothing happens in vain; all geared towards our good
Lessons that help us grow and get us to do what we should
He is the perfect physician, Master, and Father, wait on Him
Life knocks us down; get back up and proudly carry those battle scars
His grace reaches out to the darkest corners of life
Just when we feel we’ve lost our fight, shinning through, surfaces His holy might
God is amazing 🤩 Joy truly comes in the morning or not troubled for long
Oh my Lord, all the beauty provided with praise in our song
With the Most High on our side, we can never go wrong
Life only gets better with You; every road leads back to Him
Oh Divine and precious love, can’t wait to join You in the Heavens above
Thank You for this paradise, moments aware of His presence
Our reason for living and praiseworthy being; our genuine nature and essence
Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo
4/27/24 hashtag#Godisgood hashtag#Godisthecure hashtag#InspiredByTheHolyGhost hashtag#thankYouJesus, number 434
Aimee Cabo, host of The Cure Radio Show, Award Winning Author and Transformational Speaker