God is the Cure


Saint John of the Cross claims self- denial leads to perfect union with God.
God calls us to Him in different stages, of which “many proceed no Farther than the initial stages,
few persevere as far as the spiritual night, while those who attain perfection are but exceptions,” he adds.
Receiving the word with great joy does not last, whereas true spirituality consists of practicing virtue.
This discipline consists of a long process of self-denial.
Necessary to strengthen our souls through faith, charity, hope, and four cardinal virtues
being prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
It is excellent to endure without any solace, human or divine, willing to bear the cross for the honor of God.
Many crosses are God’s mercy towards sanctification, nevertheless His children are guaranteed God’s guidance and protection.
Just as Jesus taking on the cross was the greatest gift to us.
Not to seek self or regard for our merit, for ordinary it is to be cheerful and devout when grace comes and outstanding when not.
We must not undervalue submission and obedience, especially to God, being the penance of reason and judgment,
therefore sweeter than sacrifice or bodily penance.
To be consistent in the perseverance of prayer, patient in humility, mistrusting self, and solely pleasing God.
Reaching perfection requires denial of our will and the delight of God.
May we never believe ourselves good enough to handle trials on our own. To ask others for prayers, including Heavenly beings.
Keep in mind Jesus never stopped praying for us.
Our faith must be unshakable and maintain that we are strengthened by God, who makes everything possible.
We adhere to God’s word, difficult or not, and help others feel the same peace.
We treat others with compassion, patience, understanding, accept weakness, celebrate strengths, commit to hope, and pray for them.
We find courage in doing what is right even if most consider us wrong. We protect the vulnerable and rise for the fallen.
We practice the sacrifices of righteousness and don’t give in to vices, worldly desires, and that of the flesh.
But keep to the ways of the spirit, following God’s every instruction and commandment.
Willing to take on the rugged road of the cross, that we should experience the joys of Heaven later.
We execute only what Jesus would do as He is presently watching. We offer our will and all our faculties to Him to do as He wishes.
We must be ever vigilant to rethink every temptation and resist by His word.
To be supported and guided by prayer, we acknowledge our dependence on God and the crucial need of His Holy Spirit.
Everything we do is not for ourselves, fear of consequence or to impress others but for the love of God. Every action to be aimed toward His Glory.
His precepts are constant on our mind. Oh, tender loving, blessed Mother, pray for us that we get to that place so hard to find. 😌❤️🙏
Much love and God bless
Aimee Cabo #124