God is the Cure

The Journey Within

Journey Within

Following abuse self-identity is fractured. Stigma, shame and fear can overpower the drive to seek the help needed to heal from the past. In order to gain understanding of self and become resilient the journey within must be a time of reflection, allowance for hard question, a dedication to positive self-talk, and prayer. Resilience for […]

Can We Prevent Abuse From Happening?

April is the National Child Abuse Prevention Month and also Sexual Assault Awareness Prevention Month. It is important during this time to raise public awareness and encourage others to speak up when they suspect a loved one, a neighbor, a child, or anyone else is in danger. The bigger question is can we prevent abuse […]

PTSD and Sexual Trauma


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a stereotype our culture often projects onto soldiers and veterans. But like all stereotypes it falls short. PTSD does not belong to one group of people and it is far more complex than often portrayed by the media. PTSD is caused from being exposed to trauma. This can include, but […]

One of the #MeToo Pioneers

#Metoo wasn’t an overnight movement, it was a gradual climb. In 2006, Tarana Burke first coined the phrase “Me Too” noting the power that was found in those two simple words. As someone who had experienced sexual assault Tarana was looking for a way to give women and girls of color who had survived sexual […]