God is the Cure

The Biggest Deception


Satan’s biggest deception is that he or his demons don’t exist

Just about every bad thought and our actions are influenced by evil

While some say we are innately dark due to original sin,

I believe our nature is good having been made in God’s image

We are all considered one in unity with the holy body of Christ

Therefore not at peace until we become and live like Him

Negative thoughts and arguments come from temptation

The devil gives us bad feelings and to believe the opposite of what is true

He creates doubt and instigates conflict so we can feel wrong

To blame ourselves or loved ones is the name of his game

We are dealing with demons when we fear, worry, and stress

Sadness is loss of hope so our faith in God and confidence diminishes

Evil casts suspicion based on our past convincing us to judge

Every sin, for them, is a win as it slowly separates us from God

The greater the distance the more open to evil insults and the weaker we are

As we continue to sin we become blind and a slave to the misery

Unaware of demons by sin, I lost any desire to eat and over 20 pounds

Grateful to God I was able to eat half a burger and not leave my kids motherless

Never bad luck, that we are cursed or forgotten, but that we need more of God

Who patiently waits for us to return, Heaven, cheering us on as the prodigal son

God’s eternal mercy never gives up and will always provide

They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions

Mainly so we are more likely to act upon our words and ideas

We need to start somewhere and it can be with a small thought

Think it enough times we then believe and it will come to fruition

So baby steps in that slow crawl back to God. He is a doting divine Father

Such joy and peace when we return. The blessings twofold beyond expectations

The contrast makes it clear that the devil and demons are real

And so grateful there will be no day that before God we eagerly kneel.

Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo ????❤️????

3/23/23 #Godisgood #Godisthecure #InspiredByTheHolyGhost #237