God is the Cure


He makes wise the simple, giving joy to the heart and light to the eyes
psalm 19:7-11

lifts our heads above our enemies Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle psalm 27:6

Saint Augustine, said his turning point into Sainthood was the Psalms

I learned so much about God’s love by listening to the Psalms

More than that is how He has always been faithful

When all the cards fall He is the last one standing

And most amazing is whether it be good or bad, it all works our for the best

To have God is to prosper, discover what is peace and to know true rest

The gladness placed in our hearts can’t be defined or obtained if not by Him

All we have to do is chose His ways no matter how difficult; love unconditionally

Faithful to God with each breath we take and placed above everything

Is how we learn to truly love not just in words but when least expected

Willing to sacrifice oneself if need be for the good of one another

He renews a right Spirit within us and we teach transgressors His way and sinners shall be converted unto thee psalm 51:10

In the Psalms, God reminds us to be strong and take courage

Has always been our help, strength, and salvation; our steadfast refuge

The darkness is like light to Him for we are fearfully and wonderfully made

That He rewards us according to our works and will keep us from all evil

Cures all our diseases, redeemed from death, crowned with tender mercies

Forgives our sins and fills our lives with good things Psalm 103:3-5

As done with me, the testimony of my life and many others who love Him

The Lord sets apart for Himself those who are Godly, as seen by His fruits

so we keep close and not grow distant by complacency and callous sin

“To repair the ruined mansions so He can dwell within,” (deliverance prayers)

His Angels guard and guide us in all our ways, Satan doesn’t stand a chance

Trust Him, follow through, and offer the sacrifices of righteousness

And the psalms of deeper meaning that these broken bones rejoice 51:8

For we must break free from our old selves, it takes dying to fully live

Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, and for as many years as we have seen evil. Pslam 90:15

God allows trial and tribulations. In fire is how gold is molded

Test of time must occur so we learn to withstand and rise above

We are so precious to Him, to die for, oh what great length to save our soul

He doesn’t quit and His love is unwavering; His mercy gets us there

And the wonders He has planned for us as His beloved heir

Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo 😌❤️🙏

6/17/23 #Godisgood #Godisthecure #InspiredByTheHolyGhost #290