For most of us, difficult to envision filling the shoes of a saint
We fumble and fall often seems like a far fetch but that is part of the cross
Then remember being a child, complete trust in our parents as in God
Troubles did not faze us, just another happening in a different day
We did not speak a negative word or succumbed to dark thoughts
We loved the idea of sharing, thought of others, and that everyone was good
Most humble were we, pride had no space in our little pure hearts
Suffering made us feel set apart and more loved by God
We yearned to get closer to God in every way possible aspiring to be His saint
Faith that’s relentless, failure and defeat considered a win
Didn’t question our parents, their word our command as should be with God
Took to the bank their advice, fought to please, and accepted their lessons
Replace the parent with God and worldly ways with that of a child
As sweet as can be was our only nature easily we made others smile
Their joy was our happiness, well-being our peace and forgive anything
In the arms of a loved one our greatest release, which has always been God’s
Missing the days of our youth grateful to have been there and know it can be
When we didn’t know chains, stained by this world, nothing but free
He protects the little ones, precious to Him, and all poor souls unaware
Someone has to exemplify the Angels above otherwise how would we know
Why in the Bible it’s written to enter the kingdom we must be like a child
Feasible to think like a kid. Stick to it and stay close to God to turn into a saint
Who’s tears of a crocodile didn’t last long, every sweet memory was cherished
Bad moments left in the past, didn’t care for the mishaps just made a new way
There wasn’t a time we didn’t feel we were not God’s child or didn’t pray
Full of hope and big dreams believing in all possibilities as He promised
Life was joyful and simple. God lead the path, angels kept our minds clear
To Him ever so dear, never a doubt, a complaint or reason to fear
Bring back that time we were most like Christ and held Him so near
Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo ????❤️????
4/1/23 #Godisgood #Godisthecure #InspiredByTheHolyGhost #244