God is the Cure

No matter what 2019 looked like can we take a moment to acknowledge the pure success that you are here today. Take a deep breath, sit still, and focus on the moment. Find healing in it. This, friend, is a victory. There is joy in this space. In the middle of the journey there is joy.

Now that you are here think through your focus over the last twelve months. Did you commit to being able to heal? Was your approach holistic? Perhaps your focus was on physical health. Dropping a few pounds or simply learning to be comfortable in your body. Or was your focus on emotional healing? Did you effectively set boundaries and stick to them? Did you forgive those who hurt you?

No matter what 2019 looked like can we take a moment to acknowledge the pure success that you are here today. Take a deep breath, sit still, and focus on the moment. Find healing in it. This, friend, is a victory. There is joy in this space. In the middle of the journey there is joy.

Now that you are here think through your focus over the last twelve months. Did you commit to being able to heal? Was your approach holistic? Perhaps your focus was on physical health. Dropping a few pounds or simply learning to be comfortable in your body. Or was your focus on emotional healing? Did you effectively set boundaries and stick to them? Did you forgive those who hurt you?

This exercise isn’t to take you to a place of shame or guilt. There is no room for those here. Instead it is simply to evaluate the goals you set for yourself and how you succeeded or where you got off track. Once you’ve identified this it is easier to move forward into 2020 with the goal of continued healing.

Optimistic Holistic Healing for 2020

To heal we must approach the journey holistically and optimistically. Here are a few steps and words of encouragement to help you along the way.

Physical healing

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” – Hippocrates

Be patient with yourself. Following trauma our bodies are injured. It takes time and skill to help our bodies heal. What was once easy to accomplish, perhaps a morning run, becomes difficult following an injury. Baby steps are vital. Celebrate the small victories along the way.

Emotional healing

“True emotional healing doesn’t happen without feeling. The only way out is through.”
― Jessica Moore

Hiding or stuffing our emotions is not healthy. It postpones the healing. Emotional healing requires that you address the truth, identify falsehoods, find support, and changing your self-talk. Read The Journey Within for steps and encouragement on how to work towards emotional health.

Spiritual healing

“Only people who have suffered in some way can usually save anybody else—exactly as the Twelve-Step program illustrates. They alone have the space and the capacity for the other. Deep communion and compassion are formed much more by shared pain than by shared pleasure.” – Fr. Richard Rohr

Jesus entered into suffering with us, because God loved us. A God who willingly entered into a suffering world is a God who cares deeply about you and me. Abuse damages the soul but there is healing. I love this article from Richard Rohr that discuss how Wounded Healers are the best at offering healing to those who are suffering. This journey we are on of optimistic healing, it leads to opportunities to help others along the path.

Friend, head into 2020 with your heart open to heal and your eyes focused on God. Blessings!