God is the Cure


You hold us Father though at times it is hard to find the peace

As You promised to those who love You, tranquil serenity which only You can give.

It is one of the few things in life that power, influence, or money cannot provide

We are sinners struggling still, thank You Lord for times of rest

That you can take us to where we sin no more. bringing out our best

The strength we get when praying and Your word helps us through the storm

Oh it rains hard on His children who He adores to shape us into soldiers

Worn down, those battle cries, holding on to hope as we witness the demise

So many with little peace grateful if we have it most of the time

On the streets the horns, tempers now are short, His word misinterpreted and the thorns

We can almost feel His pain and pray that we can be of consolation

Imagine how much He loves us do we love just the same?

Easy not to consider others, instead we place ourselves first, without realizing

Simple as interrupting someone for what we could have figured out ourselves

Two rules apply; place others first and treat them as we would like also

Every sin separates us from His peace, thank God He takes us back

Mercy He gives when humble in supplication, acknowledging our wrong

To include penance, amends to be vigilant and resist all sin, staying strong

The peace we feel in church extends in our goodwill, effort and rebuking evil

Not only seeking Him, living out His truth but fighting every temptation

So much easier when we were younger, because then we were small kids

To enter the narrow gate we must think and have the heart of a child

Who finds ways not to inconvenience and whose main objective is to please

And suffer silently not to upset, always placing themselves last

It can only be His blessing, as we cannot go back to the past

Pray for the grace to be exactly who He wants and that every chain breaks free

The moments we feel His peace and presence gets stronger the more we seek His face

Tender, sweet-loving, through it all Holy guided, protected, and kept in His embrace

Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo 😌❤️🙏

7/14/23 #Godisgood#Godisthecure#InspiredByTheHolyGhost #305