God is the Cure


Satan gets us to believe what is bad is good and what is a lie is true

If evil looked bad, we wouldn’t fall for it Satan makes it seem as if it is okay

Desirable or nothing wrong, so we don’t correct it, don’t break free, and advice

To pay no attention to sin thinking it is no big deal, is common, so we then fall

Okay to look at others, long as we don’t touch, evil says, yet it hurts the marriage

“Just being curious and the spouse unreasonable,” Satan says, so it can progress

He will make us think we are nice when it comes to little white lies

To make others feel good such as a bad outfit looks great when it’s not

It will lift others for the moment but when not abiding by God’s word,

In this case “Thou shall not lie” without exceptions, there are consequences

When the truth comes out, as always does, they feel bad having been lied to

And no longer is there an opportunity to change the outfit if honesty took place

Felt right to us, yet trust is compromised
and it didn’t help either one

Virtue signaling is one of the ways Satan confuses to create conflict and division

Such as not being disparaging of others. Satan then extends it to not expose evil

We must not feel bad calling out wrong actions to protect each other

As our brother’s keepers, we put feelings aside and do what is tough

Put the possible victim or any harm ahead of the perpetrator

Gossip is what people don’t need to know or doesn’t help in any way

“Listen to Your body, it knows best”, is false, God is the one who knows better

“We need a break” to encourage sloth and stressed from being behind

Everything God said is for our good and that of others including “deny the flesh”

Satan will make us feel sick and tired to keep us from doing what we should

This was predicted towards the last of days and in our lives proven to be true

Anytime I wake up despite being sick or tired and trusting He will, all goes away

No medication or intervention just prayer and my husband experiences it too

Evil suggests we are entitled to our opinion otherwise we are too passive

Mostly geared towards the family who God says love is to believe all things

And to treat others the same, we should be supportive and not oppose