What does it take to become a saint as God asks from all of us
We are chosen with great purpose to be perfect as His Father, Matthew 5:48
We love Him by absolute obedience and He will take our breath away
By His good works and sweet beautiful care, we are taken in
Loyalty is keeping to His word and not practicing even the smallest sin
Pray for guidance by His Spirit in the perfect accompaniment of His Holy ordinances
And not tempted by the evil spirit or the evil suggestions of fellow our creatures
Don’t be discouraged if told you are too hard on yourself for obeying God
keep hope, our regular confessor is a sweet priest that never judged me
Two others from Gesu church always heard my confession kindly and without reserve
In medjugorje I encountered priests who have beautiful souls, one I still talk to
Keep in mind that Saint Francis was considered a madman before canonized
And is it harsh for the Saints and people that inflict pain upon themselves
They purposely endure agony not even for their own sins but that of others
Or the martyrs who sacrificed their life to include children in the name of God
We are expected to be saints and we don’t do any of that
Considering such, I find it hard to believe we are too tough on ourselves
If He teaches us what is the right thing to do we must prioritize that, proverbs 4:26
For example, proper care of our pets and ourselves which we shouldn’t neglect
And if tired or sick, it’s an opportunity to sacrifice for righteousness, psalm 4:5
God blessed us in so many ways, our people, gifts, and belongings
I do my best with everything given or it’s not deserved, grateful for His grace
Willing to be judged and take any insult, cured by focusing on His glorious face
Those who teach not to judge or be kind sometimes forget to do so
We make sure we don’t fall into the same trap and stand up for the truth
Entertaining positivity and rebuking evil which is negativity
God places people in our path because He has a plan
It can be different from what is expected so just go with the flow
Having full trust in Him and beseeching Him to be in the know
Sad so many are blind but more reason to pray
On the other hand millions of youth to old are awakening each day
God’s precepts are not easy to follow, daily temptations and crosses
It is also a chance to shine and sanctify if we offer it up and accept it with love
He turns it into a teaching moment to grow, so we keep to all that’s above
Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo 😌❤️🙏
8/4/23 #Godisgood#Godisthecure#InspiredByTheHolyGhost #320