God is the Cure

Considering Others


By thinking of others we don’t forget to be kind, more likely to do what’s right

If we consider others so will God, as He forgives us when we do so also

It is about doing onto others as we would like have done onto us

Service of another matters more than taking care of ourselves

When the dentist kept a straight face as I told him I was following through

I realized I should have made sure our daughter who he was working on did too

I imagine God will react in a similar way asking what did we do for His people

Even if we can’t help others significantly there are several small ways we can

We pick up after our mess whether it be a toilet or countertop

If we were in a diplomats mansion that has maids we would leave all as found

Careful that we don’t take for granted those who love us the most

Just because we can, doesn’t mean it’s right for they are our biggest blessing

If we see something out of place we didn’t leave still put it away

Or dishes we didn’t use, the bed our kid could have made, it’s nice to help out

Choose humility instead of pride, own it, apologize, and make amends

That our actions exemplify God’s teachings as an instrument of harmony

The beauty about being good to others means they will learn it as well

Remember, we walk in the presence of a king, made in His image, we can be just like Him

Most importantly, it pleases God who will reward us as we obey

It helps a great deal if we seek God, stay close, and pray every day

By thinking what it must be like for God, we gain better perspective

We do not act for recognition but for the glory of God and our love for Him

What we learn to be good we should share with everyone

Provide solutions, testimonies and inspire hope; showing how He is our rock

Empowered by His word, motivated by His grace we stand victorious and undefeated

We are not thinking if we believe to be the only ones in need of help or advice

how we can be helpful should be priority and always on our mind

Smooth their way, supply peace and joy. God made us to be one of a kind

Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo ????❤️????

3/25/23 #Godisgood #Godisthecure #InspiredByTheHolyGhost #239