We all have an important role to play in life decided by God before our birth
He allowed bad players for equilibrium or reasons that God only knows
Most are His people and dearly beloved children for which He has great plans
Our battle scars become our blessings when our sweet Lord wills it so
At least we get more practice in fortitude and another lesson to help us grow
How can others get to know God is love? It must start with one of us
There is much of what is common in the world and desirable to the flesh
Few will deny themselves for the sake of others but that is how we shine
To give, love unconditionally, and forgive is how we emulate the Most Divine
If we must commit a crime let it be to steal each other’s heart and offer it to God
When He turned our life around dried our tears, saved from the darkest pit
Gratitude reflects our effort, service, and attitude for the love of God
Boots on the ground, those who dare to make a sound, the beauty all around
Wherever our gifts lie, by the graces He provides, excellence every time
Christ calls us to greatness and perfection like His Father, eager for us to prosper
In holiness, not money and power unless it’s used towards good and for His glory
Even in the smallest way, we can make an impact in someone’s life each day
A helpful message, a kind gesture or a sweet smile can lift a soul that’s bruised
If every day we do one thing worthwhile and each year we improve, good enough
Patience little one, we are vulnerable and in need of Him so just have faith
God is working it as I write, every breath we take, His loving kiss
Every waking moment, a daily gift, just another opportunity to live in bliss
In His arms on earth, despite the cross headed for His Heaven where it truly is
Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo ????❤️????
5/27/23 #Godisgood #Godisthecure #InspiredByTheHolyGhost #276