God is the Cure

Emmanuel, meaning “God with us” every moment, and He speaks to us (Matthew 28:20)

He uses people and circumstances. Those words needed to hear (2 Timothy 2:21-26)

We can be hearing someone, and it’s God speaking through them

I know this because I write a blog, and the next day, it’s the sermon

The daily reading I am not aware of until the day of. Comes it’s Him

There are words I wrote, unaware of how I could know such a thing

To only find it in the Bible, something I hadn’t read before

In notifications, someone likes a blog I needed to read at that time

So when a priest speaks, I look to Jesus’s image, believing it’s coming from Him

There are no coincidences. When we say that it was perfect

Or it worked out great; thank God it happened that way

We are right; it was God, everything good, and constant protection (Psalm 3:3, 28:7, 33:20, 84:11)

When waking up, it’s because He woke us up, providing many ways to communicate

He is in everything uses most of us, He shows up in experiences and storms

When we wake up, it’s because He woke us up

We breathe because He wills it. We love because He inspires it.

We live another day in peace and joy because He created it. (Psalm 118:24)

We have because He provides. He is the color in our lives (Philippians 4:19)

He gives more than we need. Evermore nurturing His holy seed (2 Corinthians 9:8)

Faith increases through His miracles and wonders for a willing spirit. (Acts 2:22)

Blessings and opportunities surface by His celestial intervention (2 Peter 1:3)

Oh, the gratitude derived from His presence and saving power (Acts 4:12)

Countless beautiful songs praising God and testimonies as in the Bible (Psalm 119:24)

Generations acknowledge His name, which never fades with changing times (Psalm 45:17)

We pray to be faithful servants of love, truth, and justice (Psalm 89:14)

To live abundantly under Your feathers illuminating our path, guided by His passion (Psalm 119:105)

Mindful of His rightful wrath, Mighty God of infinite goodness and compassion (Psalms 103:11)

Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo

8/8/24 hashtag#Godisgood hashtag#Godisthecure hashtag#InspiredByTheHolyGhost hashtag#thankYouJesus, number 484