God is the Cure

Aimee Cabo, host of The Cure Radio Show, Award Winning Author and Transformational Speaker


Gratitude. Gratitude is among the most important ingredients for happiness. It is more than a feeling but an action. Gratitude and appreciation are one in the same. We appreciate our relationships, our blessings, our experiences and our God given life. We show gratitude by taking good care of all these aspects. Being grateful for our health, physical and mental means we make good decisions, exercise, stretch, eat well and get good rest. We appreciate our gifts by putting them to use no matter how challenging. We make the best out of every situation by focusing on the positive. We spend time with, teach, comfort and give affection to those we love. Helps to say, thank you to God for each awesome member of your family and pets each morning, express how much we love them and ask they be blessed as we make the sign of the cross on their precious heads. We say thank you to God daily for his love, waking up, our health, all that we have, all that we do and are by offering the sacrifices of righteousness and putting forth our best effort.
We show God our appreciation in our constant obedience especially in the face of adversity and doing what is right by him, even when it’s uncomfortable, unpopular, difficult or at whatever the personal cost. We take care of our home to the best of our ability, grateful to have. Even the simple things are beautiful when clean. So grateful to God we pray daily for everyone, put Jesus first and give our heart in everything we do especially when dealing with others. When things go wrong, we are grateful it’s not worse and it is God’s will. We are grateful for all the lessons received especially the tough ones, learn from them and use it to help others. We are grateful to share the cross with Jesus, so we praise him. We do all this because we are grateful for our lives, to be given this chance knowing it’s a gift and we gladly give it back, be it God’s will. Forever so grateful for the life lived nothing more we want and all we need is God. #GodisTheCure #InspiredByTheHolyGhost #Godisgood 11/01/21 😌❤️🙏