When things go wrong, give it to God who will come through
When people misjudge us and do us wrong, leave it to God
When hope is dim and we are losing strength let God
Why are you downcast, place your hope in me He asks, Psalm 43:5
Have you not seen how I am the God of miracles proven many times?
Have I ever forsaken or let you down, who was it that always came around?
Why would I stop now, do you realize I only work for the good of your soul?
Do you get that I have had this fight and since the beginning been in control?
Do you have any idea how much I love you and continue to do so
Live my way and there will be more graces and wonders than you’ll ever know
Take up the cross, my yolk is easy and the way smooth, Matthew 11:28-30
I will cover you under my wings and teach you how to fly, psalm 91:4
I will be an ever present help in your troubles whenever you cry, psalm 46:1
I will allow scenarios that increase your faith to bring you closer
That you will feel the joy of getting to know me intimately
I will expand your understanding to see the purpose of my providence
I will show you new horizons at the break of every dawn
Give me your cross and I will carry it for you so you can go on
Be kind to those who scorn you, walk away from strife
You were meant for better things that can be provided in this life
Bring joy to sorrow, a peacemaker, and shed light on darkness
Be what inspires by keeping all hope in your Holy Father amid storms
Let it go, respond to His spirit, let God take the lead
Believe that I am all you need, in my love, in my aid, and in everything, you will succeed
Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo 😌❤️🙏
1/18/24 #Godisgood#Godisthecure#InspiredByTheHolyGhost#thankYouJesus, number 398