God is the Cure


Let go of the fight of thinking we know better and wanting to be right

Let go of our old ways, leave behind those hurtful days

When we were slaves to sin and couldn’t feel well within

We make a choice who to please if it is not God there is no release

Gracious God will let us know it is only good with Him

Crosses come ago and it is a daily thing, because of God, and the growth it brings

Our actions pave the road in which we are sanctified

Oh sweet surrender to be whole that His love will subside

Praise the Lord my soul and don’t forget His benefits, who heals all your disease

Forgives all your inequities who redeems your life from destruction

Who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies

Who satisfies your mouth with good things,

so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s, psalm 103:2-5

Aren’t His promises worth it? Besides how great to us He has been

It doesn’t mean life gets easy just more tolerable when trials come in

Lord, You make the path smooth for good people the road they travel is level, Isaiah 26:7

Speaks of those who love me and keep His commandments John 14:21

And no good thing withheld from those who walk uprightly, psalm 84:11

For He is our stronghold and our refuge and fear of His is wisdom, proverbs 9:10

It is not that some of us are lucky and others cursed

Some of us pray more and dedicate our days to God therefore we are blessed

I remember feeling cursed and unloved my heart goes out to those poor souls

It was the darkest time suffering insults from demons unaware of many sins

The afflictions felt unbearable as I felt extremely weak

Until with all my soul and being and it became only God I seek

Prayer became my strength and holy mass my protection

But receiving Christ in the flesh is my greatest transformation

And it’s hard to constant denial of the flesh and worldly ways

But the effort is worth something and God reveres a person who much prays

Only He knows exactly what it takes to eliminate the tendency to relapse

When we learn His love and goodness, nothing that we lack

And the joy and peace it is to be in His arms, forever grateful to be back

Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo 😌❤️🙏

7/29/23 #Godisgood#Godisthecure#InspiredByTheHolyGhost #317