Dear Jesus, please help all poor souls who don’t know the love of God
How lonely and sad it is not to feel Your warmth due to unbelief
I recall not believing You had space in Your heart for me
What a dark and treacherous road that was, thinking I was too far gone
You were there all along, I just didn’t know it and now I see it in others
Mistakenly claiming there is no good God, unaware of the Devil
All the hurt, frustrations, undesirables, unpleasant, and taxing are of the evil one
Who prowls around for the destruction of souls and demise of faith (1 Peter 5:8)
To think there is no God is the most needed souls there are
For with God, we withstand anything and to our capabilities no limitations
So many, masses throughout the world profess supernatural faith
It can not be mass hysteria since this fades unlike His word that never does
Testimonials of miracles among every generation and of His good work
We are still in love with God as we live an individual relationship with Him
Two thousand years later we praise Christ the Most High
Even at our lowest moments, we gain strength as He answers our cry
Never giving up hope, trusting His will, and accepting what comes
We pray for serenity and peace when things turn difficult
Jesus is so amazingly sweet that He never lets us down
The ultimate comfort to our souls and the wisest teacher that exists
His precepts exemplify how to best love and how to be among the living
What helps us prosper, feel complete, and endure is derived from God
The Holy Spirit who opens are eyes to God’s in people and every experience
He who teaches us resignation in trials and blesses us two-fold
Incredible that the crosses we bear with love further sanctifies us
Assuring everything has purpose and nothing happens in vain
He shines His mercy and light upon us as we weather the pain
Still, we unite to the cross in sorrow for all the poor souls drowning in rain
Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo
12/12/23 #Godisgood#Godisthecure#InspiredByTheHolyGhost#thankYouJesus 374