Physical and mental conditions are usually obvious unlike spiritual illness
Mainly because we tend to judge others by their actions and behaviors
Unknowingly though we have free will, we are easily taken by evil temptation
We are not up against flesh and blood but principalities of darkness, Ephesians 6:12
If we are told by a mental professional that we need medication we believe it
As in my case where over time I grew to accept my four diagnosis
Medications kept losing efficacy so they kept trying different ones
To where I ended taken seven pills daily just to get by
But something was always missing and what this world offered didn’t cut it
Ketamine infusions even considering the most drastic measures
No one knew that no doctor, medicine, or therapy would ever suffice
I was spiritually ill and I know this because running to God took it away
Over ten years of major depression and severe PTSD disappeared
In an instance no need for any medical methods or vices I had picked up
By the grace of God who opened my eyes to the enemy’s lies
God had not abandoned me nor was I
unloved and forever doomed
He was holding me all along, sharing the pain of my broken spirit
I recall how off I was and blind to the truth as anyone can be
To grow in relationship with God and to know His word set me free
So different from what I had been taught, was His divine ways that set it right
Grateful to experience such a thing that gave me a compassionate heart
When I see a black sheep as I was I pray to see past the facade
If others complain I try to explain it is a beautiful soul in need of help
As the enemy isn’t concerned with those in his pockets but what hurts God most
His holy ones and precious children not yet able to shine
To bring us back home, God allows what should happen by His design
Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo 😌❤️🙏
6/16/23 #Godisgood #Godisthecure #InspiredByTheHolyGhost #289
Aimee Cabo, host of The Cure Radio Show, Award Winning Author and Transformational Speaker