God is the Cure

The Journey Within

Journey Within

Following abuse self-identity is fractured. Stigma, shame and fear can overpower the drive to seek the help needed to heal from the past. In order to gain understanding of self and become resilient the journey within must be a time of reflection, allowance for hard question, a dedication to positive self-talk, and prayer. Resilience for […]

Can We Prevent Abuse From Happening?

April is the National Child Abuse Prevention Month and also Sexual Assault Awareness Prevention Month. It is important during this time to raise public awareness and encourage others to speak up when they suspect a loved one, a neighbor, a child, or anyone else is in danger. The bigger question is can we prevent abuse […]

Unconditional Love Inspired ‘Love is the Answer, God is the Cure’


I started writing my book with the desire to help others. I survived after many years of abuse, custody battles, poverty, addiction, and despair. I want my story and experience to be an example of unconditional love. I am starting this blog as a part of healing. I am in a better place now. Unconditional […]