God is the Cure

Oh sweet loving Lord, we know that to follow You is the cross

As a masterpiece in constant work until You say it’s done

Till we meet again, we must walk the path of His begotten Son

A life of love, joy, sacrifice, and trials to praise God no matter what

Thank You for your faithfulness, mercy, and grace;

all the bitter-sweet moments lifted up by His embrace

Grateful for times of rest, and when it goes wrong, we know You are close

Our strong tower allows the glorious instances of intimacy

Oh my God, our Father, a weak cry as we succumb to His holy ordinances

Your good works will help us prosper and be a blessing to others

We pray our suffering does not only sanctify us but all poor souls

Especially the lives of loved ones and those I know

For them and You, to Your glory, I gladly accept any suffering

Call upon us God of rescue whom all will honor (Psalm 50:15)

For I know that You have me and will take care of us as You always have

Lord, here I am; use me in whatever form You’d like

Be it rain or storm, mountain or hill; let us be instrumental in Your salvation

We praise the Holy Trinity, in Jesus’s name, for His immeasurable love

We trust You to bring healing and renewal to the world

Thank You for deliverance and the solace found in Your word

Promises that come true and His divine might that increases faith

We know nothing, please Father, lead and grow that seed

Knowing You are all we need, that it’s You exclusively we seek

Burdened and tired, gracious Christ, His chosen, loyal, strong and meek

Much love and God bless,

Aimee Cabo

7/17/24 #Godisgood #Godisthecure #InspiredByTheHolyGhost #thankYouJesus, number 473