Not being aware of our sin does not exempt us from the consequences
That He turns into lessons so we open our eyes to what is not of God
Blind to the act is a different degree of responsibility being venial or a mortal sin
Anything that produces undesirable results also known as bad fruits is a sin
Bugs, illness, bad smells, frustrations, and negativity are evil from Satan
Just as when someone dealing with psychics stayed with us bugs came
In a house mostly of wood, nothing can keep termites away
Except for our God. I noticed a correlation between when they come and go
Not having done anything different, no termites, when staying close to God
And periodically when they arrive I think about what we have done wrong
This has happened too many times to be a coincidence
Something I don’t believe as everything happens for a reason and it’s usually us
Commonly we disparage, judge, gossip, complain and inconsistency are all sins
Even curiosity as it brings about no good and is not the same as the desire to learn
Thinking of ourselves and not considering the other is a failure to do
Placing ourselves second or last is just as if we are walking with Christ
We are kind to everyone deserving or not should we be Christ-like
If something doesn’t go as we would like God has a better opportunity in mind
Or it could be that He wants us to focus only on Him and go about it differently
If our chance to sing in praise in public is taken away
Maybe God wants us to sing in private to Him just as He wants us to pray
Only God knows if what we originally wanted causes more harm than good
Gateway to the corruption of our soul or further disappointment and harm
We think we know, but God always does better so let Him and let go
Otherwise, we are in a vicious cycle of darkness or stagnant at best
Pray for wisdom and vigilance, stay true and He’ll take care of the rest.
Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo
6/3/23 #Godisgood#Godisthecure#InspiredByTheHolyGhost #280