Oh Lord, instill in us a heart that is contrite, tender, and complete
Open our eyes to see the sins we are not aware of, and keep You in mind
Grant us a pure and willing spirit to love You at our best
Or let not my undeserving soul see the light of day or to give me rest
That I confess when not thinking of others as I fail to do for them
Or leaving things for the last minute without considering the consequences
When I feel stagnant, lead me to dig deeper into what I should improve
Show us the way of Your salvation that we acknowledge every fault
Pray that we humble before You in confessing not thinking of others
And when we judge and treat each other the way we wouldn’t like it done to us
For when honestly, earnestly, and fervently we confess every sin, You heal us
You are faithful and just, cleansing us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-9)
And the growing pains needed will slow down and gradually subside
Oh, the promises and glory of having our merciful God at our side
His sacrifice; a broken spirit and contrite heart, He will not despise (Psalm 51:17)
Sanctification He provides; softens hearts and opens eyes (Ephesians 1:18)
Confessing even sins not significant makes a world of a difference
Satan is a master in blinding, making sin appear okay and virtue wrong
To be pure at heart, acknowledge that we are all sinners in this struggle
Accept advice, embrace the cross and seek Him wholeheartedly
Not expecting anything, good results, to get it right, or reacting perfectly every time
He forgave those who crucified Him; history’s most horrendous crime (Luke 23:34)
But to know at least we tried our best and called on Him for help (Romans 10:13-15)
In weakness, His power is made perfect, and in holiness, we elevate (2 Corinthians 12:9)
To be small and embrace the cross for His loving sake is our glorious fate (Matthew 16:24-26)
Oh Jesus, Father, Holy Spirit, our God divine, help us navigate this thin line
Much love and God bless,
Aimee Cabo
8/22/24 hashtag#Godisgood hashtag#Godisthecure hashtag#InspiredByTheHolyGhost hashtag#thankYouJesus, number 489
Aimee Cabo, host of The Cure Radio Show, Award Winning Author and Transformational Speaker